The talent engine for North America's leading mobile gaming studios
Want Results?
We are the primary talent source for the doubling and tripling of the world’s top iGaming studios.
Our sole purpose is building high performing game teams. We have over 9 years of mobile game team-building experience. Our expert gaming recruiters connect top talent and we have a database of over 34,000 game studio team resumes we access on your behalf.
Niche is Strength
We are fully committed to the mobile game niche. We have served this game industry niche exclusively since 2016 placing hundreds of candidates in fast growing high performing studios.
Our strength grows geometrically because every search we do makes us stronger and better for our clients. It yields more great talent ready to move, it increases our access to great talent, and it identifies more talent you will later need.
We constantly dedicate team members to database building and cleansing in our niche. Our database is significantly richer than LinkedIn.
Game Studio Team Building

People make games. We are passionate about building the leading edge user experience, development, operations and user acquisition teams in the fast growing mobile gaming industry. Our clients are investing heavily up front for a back-end pay off and people make the difference.